Share your CCNA Experience
The new CCNA 200-301 has come to replace the old CCNA 200-125 exam so we create the “Share your new CCNA Experience” for everyone to share their experience to prepare for this new exam.
We have a topic of Frequently Asked Questions & Tips for CCNA learners, surely you will find valuable information about the CCNA exam there.
+ The CCNA 200-301 exam include lab sims, multiple choice and Drag drop questions.
+ You can use shortcut command (like “int”, “no sh”, “conf t”…), “tab” and “?” in the simulations of the exam.
Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new CCNA 200-301 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information from friends who have taken the new CCNA exam!
Hi Guys,
I pass the exam today. Everything you need are here in 9tut.
Follow 9tut instructions, and practice everything here and you’re good.
89 questions, 5-7 new question,3 labs (Trunking & LACP Sim, Static Routing Configuration Sim 5,IPv4 and IPv6 Assignment Sim)
Please provide the subnets for IPv4 and IPv6 Assignment Sim
89 questions, 3 Labs all from here.
–>Tagging all vlan is working only from configuration mode on the exam.
IP & IPv6 configuration, b/n two routers
static/default route and floating route configuration on four quadrat router.
trunking, native vlan and tagging on triangular SW
? (help) working
tab working
abrivated command working
Good Luck for all
Thank you 9tut
Check this sim “IPv4 and IPv6 Assignment Sim” Its almost the same on the actual exam.
Please can someone email me the valid and latest 2025 dump for the CCNA exam 200-301. Many Thanks – esijesi – {@} – Y.A.H.o.o (com)
Dumps are already posted.
Hi, I’m getting this error when searching for in the search box.
Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.
anyone know how to buy dump with bank ?
I pass the exam today.
89 questions and 3 labs (all form 9tut)
Lab1: OSPF Configuration Sim 3
Lab2: Allowed, Native VLAN & LACP Sim 2
Lab3: VLAN Configuration Sim (LLDP with only one voice and one Data)
Does anyone have a rough estimate of the weight each lab has on the exam? Do they reward partial credit, or is it pass/fail for the labs?
I passed today. 89q 3 labs
Lab 1: Static Routing Configuration Sim 5
Lab 2: IPv4 and IPv6 Assignment Sim but with different values
Lab 3: VLAN & LLDP Sim
Good luck to all.
Lab 2: IPv4 and IPv6 Assignment Sim but with different values
Please expand on this, what values did you get?
Where can I find these labs on this site?
They are on the right column with everything else, they’re called Sims.
@9tut could you please post the new questions for the month of feburuary. Thanks
I took my exam today, and got a pass on the preliminary score sheet. When I added up my percentages, it did not equal above a 80% total. Can I still fail according to Cisco?
Do all the questions come from the “New Questions” area?
Anonymous what is the name of this LAB ‘NAT ACL + DHCP”
I just scheduled my exam for 2/25/25. I want to report I’m finding this site very helpful. I’ve done all the New Questions parts 5-11, and now I’m doing all the questions from before the new section ie Basic thru Miscellaneous. Prior to this I took a few months to take all of Jeremy’s IT Lab on YouTube for free. Now I have paid the very good deal of $19 for the premium membership on 9tut. It is clearly worth it and likely the cheapest/best deal of the dumps as well as, I believe the most reliable. In addition I appreciate that concepts I get wrong are explained so I can understand them. Pay the $19 for a month or more if you need it. I’m liking my philosophy of studying the materials and getting them down, somewhere else, and then using this site to polish me up for the exam.
What would be helpful from those who have taken the exam is to hear about how much of the exam covered new questions, and how many from the Basic-Miscellaneous. From what I’ve seen most people are saying 6-7 questions from the New section. What was your experience?
im gonna take the exam tomorrow. im good at lldp ,cdp trunking ,voice and ,ipv6 and v4 i have no idea about nat + dhcp and how i can do this , i ve done questions 5-11 what does sim mean
Good Luck Tomorrow Newbie, Get rest and eat well before the exam. Sim is short for simulation. They are labs.
@NEWBIE let us know how you did and what the exam was like. Which labs, what subnet masks, Thanks and Good Luck Again!
Follow 9tut instructions on what to study, you don’t need to cherry-pick what you will study.
If you understand the concept, whatever the value appears on the exam will be easy.
Hello Networkers. So I did some research. I read all the entries in this forum from 2/20/25 back to 9/26/24. I collected all the information that people gave for what Labs they had on their exams and other information. Here are my findings:
Everyone reported 86-89 Questions and All had exactly 3 labs.
About 3 people mentioned how many questions came from the New section, and those 3 reported only 5 – 7 questions from the new section.
Below I’ve listed how people described the labs they had on the exam and if they mentioned it matched a Sim here on 9tut, I mention that. If the same wording was used by different posters, I then follow that with a number of how many times that Lab/Sim was mentioned. I use their wording so I cannot explain what they meant if it isn’t clear. After the list of Lab names/descriptions. I include the Subnet masks people mentioned. Then after that I include 1 entry that was very descriptive from Dec 9 ’24.
I put this together to help me figure out where to best spend my time studying. It appears “old questions” before new questions and then you can see below which labs. I hope this is useful to others, Let me know if it is! Good Luck on the Exam and Happy Studying!
Static Routing / 3
VLAN trunking w/ LLDP / 3
Trunking w/ LACP / 7
Static Routing SIM 5 / 4
IPV4 and IPV6 Assignment / 8
IPV4 and IPV6 between 2 Routers
“Static Default and flouting route config on 4 quadrant router.”
Trunking , native and vlan tagging on a triangular switch
OSPF Config Sim2
Native vlan and allowed
Native VLAN and LACP Sim2
Voice Vlan and LLDP / 3
Voice Vlan
OSPF Sim3 / 2
Vlan and LLDP / 3
VLAN and CDP Sim2
NAT ACL + DHCP/ IPv4 and IPv6 assignment
VLAN configuration (voice and data vlan)
ISL Trunking and LACP Sim
Vlan CDP and LLDP
Subnet masks mentioned for the IPV4 and IPV6
(/29 and /126) /124, (/27 and /122)
Description from 12/9/24
“Only difference in the ipv4 and 6 lab was that you should
use host portion of ipv4 as interface identifier in ipv6.
For example I had so first and last
addresses were .1 and .30, in ipv6 2001:db8:1::/122 I
used 2001:db8:1::1 and 2001:db8:1::1e and had 100%.”
@Tanaaki. Ideally I would study EVERY New question and EVERY old question and do EVERY lab. As it is I have now done every old question, every new question in Part 5-11 and part of Part 12. I am now beginning my labs. It is not about cherry picking, but I might not have time to do everything, so it’s about prioritizing the studying I am doing so I am being most efficient with my time till my exam on 2/25.
@Pedroski, So do you mean only 5-7 questions came from the “New Questions” section or did you mean “New Questions part 5 to New Questions part 7”?
@CiscoGuy, I meant that the people in the comments in this section reported that there were only 5 – 7 total questions from all of the new questions parts 5-15. Of course I’m just reporting what was said and there were only about 3 people that bothered to comment on how many questions were from “new”.
there are over 800 questions in the new section… i highly doubt only 7 questions would be in the exam, someone who has completed a recent exam, please comment. I read someone who didn’t study new questions section 9 – 11 said a lot of questions came from there.
5-7 new question probably means 5 to 7 brand new questions which have not been covered by 9tut