Share your CCNA Experience
The new CCNA 200-301 has come to replace the old CCNA 200-125 exam so we create the “Share your new CCNA Experience” for everyone to share their experience to prepare for this new exam.
We have a topic of Frequently Asked Questions & Tips for CCNA learners, surely you will find valuable information about the CCNA exam there.
+ The CCNA 200-301 exam include lab sims, multiple choice and Drag drop questions.
+ You can use shortcut command (like “int”, “no sh”, “conf t”…), “tab” and “?” in the simulations of the exam.
Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new CCNA 200-301 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information from friends who have taken the new CCNA exam!
Could you pls share 102q to {email not allowed} ?
Could you pls share 102q to m4teos AT ?
Good day.
is it possible to mark question and after answering most of questions returning to that marked?
thank for your answer in advance
@ Anonymous
no its not possible
once you hit the next button, you can’t go back to previous questions
T h a n k y o u. 9tut.
Just passed my ccna exam. Most qns from here. Only 3-4 new. Do all dumps and composite quizzes. You will breeze through. Goodluck all!
I Passed my exam today 95% question from 9tut ,I met 6 new question and many drag and drop
(it has 2 new drag and drop from my exam) No Lab sim , good luck everyone
Thank you 9tut
please share dumps with me (pdf/vce) for ccna exam
rico.saino at yahoo dot com
Could you pls share 102q to tuannapn01 AT
so many spam – -*
today I passed the exam at least 10 new questions that I never saw on this website
Hi 9TUT and others,
VRF configuration SIM, Is it VRF-light(without MPLS) or are they asking to enable MPLS between R1 and R2. The solution shows “mpls ip” enabling MPLS, why can’t we use VRF lite for link between R1 and R2 and using VRF-BGP between them.
In the question are they asking to enable MPLS between R1 and R2 with route-target
Just curious
Hi 9TUT and others,
VRF configuration SIM, Is it VRF-light(without MPLS), between R1-R2 now in solution it is MPLS, do we need MPLS or it overkill
I will be very thankful to you if you share valid CCNA 200-301 dumps.
Thanks in advance. hdrfrd AT gmail DOT com
have anyone taken SPCORE in this week, if so kindly share lab experience or question i heard that it is changed to is-is, anyone know labs
question kindly share on saimbeacker6110 @gmail
Hello 9tut and associated:
So………. I have tried taking your so-called “Big Composite Quiz ” and have scored very nicely with this, multiple times finishing long before the clock times out. Recently I got a 97 percent, thanx – does this mean I’m ready for the real deal ?
cesar316; can i know all the answer you exam are in 9tut file dump?
@from the ghost: Yes, you are ready for the exam!
hgy, is that you, can you share me experience about taking exam?
Today pass the ccna exam thanks 9tut In my exam no laboratory appeared, it was an examination of many drag and drop
Rachild Please assist on how to download your Dumps
Chan can u share dump ?? Hassebideas35 @ Gmail .com
@DARIF please share dump (hassebideas 35 @ g mail .com)
Hi Guys! I just passed the exam today. On my case there is no Laboratory Simulation but I encountered a new few questions specifically on IPv6.
I recommend to read and review all the drop and drag questions.
Thank you 9tut! :)
How many total questions on 9tut Site
New Question
Which WLC interface provides out-of-band management in the Cisco Unified Wireless Network Architecture?
A. Dynamic
B. AP-Manager
C. virtual
D. Service Port (ANSWER)
is there any laboratory in the exam? does this dump have lab questions?
Took the exam and no lab in exam. Approx 8 to 10 drag and drop.
total 101 questions.
need du m ps shar me deepak deep gmail com
Hi Pablo, did you get laboratory questions in exam? if yes then can you please tell me which one.
is it true that cisco or pearson will change all the questions this month and the questions from the current dumps will no longer be on the new exams?