Share your CCNA Experience
The new CCNA 200-301 has come to replace the old CCNA 200-125 exam so we create the “Share your new CCNA Experience” for everyone to share their experience to prepare for this new exam.
We have a topic of Frequently Asked Questions & Tips for CCNA learners, surely you will find valuable information about the CCNA exam there.
+ The CCNA 200-301 exam include lab sims, multiple choice and Drag drop questions.
+ You can use shortcut command (like “int”, “no sh”, “conf t”…), “tab” and “?” in the simulations of the exam.
Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new CCNA 200-301 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information from friends who have taken the new CCNA exam!
Hello guys need help !! does anyone know where to get Microsoft Azure exams valid dumps
Dear Purple
Please share the dump >> ccnp scrt xm @ gmail dot com <<
Thanks alot.
Hello everyone,
I shall put updated files on tomorrow… with 30% discount
Comment your email
Does the file only contains drag and drops.
Dear purple,
Does the file only contains drag and drops.
Dear purple,
plz share the questions also @ sam ee r 28 1 028 @ g mail
Dear purple,
plz share the questions yan_kee300 (@) ho t mail do t com
Hi all, Anyone know where I can find valid AWS Cloud Practitioner Dumps, CLF- C01, urgent help, please let me know?
AT Zack miles plz do share with me too . Do you have any other dumps for cloud exams .AWS ,Azure or Google
Helllo everyone
How i can change .ete file to .pdf ?????????
Someone can tell the program name please ?? i can’ t find nowere :(
Pls. can anyone share a dump with me, also? kchienbai1509 @ gmail com
@Anonymous, please which pdf are you talking about
@Purple, Can you share for me please.
Dear purple
Please share the dump ccna -> gingin321101@gmail dot com
The 200-301 exam updated few days ago with many new questions.
I wrote the exam today but failed.
It looks like that some new questions are available on the Chinese IT cert forum HH010.
Anyone who can kindly share the files from HH010?
Thanks in advance!!!
Hi guys,
i have exam on 29 and can anyone share me the dumps please!
testingday29@ gmail dot com
Just sent the newest 200-301 exam questions to you.
Please checking you mail inbox.
Good luck!
Got the cert a few days ago, learn solely from 9tut and some you-tube.
The materials & subjects are the same but with different questions (about 70% of the exam is still relevant to 9tut dump, especially the “New Questions Part 9”. learn this part by heart).
Had over 10 questions about OSPF, about 15 about routing and over 10 about subnetting. invest some time in learning the basic of those.
Good luck everyone (:
Hi i’m going to have the exam soon someone can send me the new questions please,
i really appreciate. thanks
@Kevin Claxton April 23rd, 2022
Did you mean this thread from HH010:
Have you got that new version 200-301 dump???
@Anonymous April 24th, 2022April 24th, 2022
Please kindly share me with Culbert Seferina at gmail dot com
Thanks in advance!!!
Hi Friends,
Can you please send me somebody the latest questions?
rockbottomm57 gmail dot com
Thank you very much and have a nice day!
Now, Cisco was not show the point in the exam score report – only percent each exam topic.
Passed the exam on 28th April 2022. I was able to answer 80 questions out of 102 quesions because I ran out of time. To my suprise I passed! 9tut mock exam preparations helped. I read the 200-301 book (cover to cover), Jeremy’s IT lab on youtube and used 9tut mock exams to prepapre. This way I didnt have to memorize answers. My advise to candidates yet to sit for the exam: be thorough with subnetting and routing protocols. 9Tut mock exams will help you with the rest of the questions for automation, wifi, ip services etc
passed! thank you 9tut
passed! i answered only 80 questions out of 101 so I am suprised that I passed. Pro tip: be thorough with subnetting and routing protocols. 9tut mock exams are very helpful with topics such as automation, wireless, ip services etc.
Please can anyone share a dump with me ommavideo @ gmail com
Anyone has crack exam simulator that can open .vcex file extension?
Passed the exam today. Was tough, make sure you know subnetting, lots of wifi questions. Didnt use 9tut dumps or study guide though. Got the chinese vce from other site though thats not enough. Good luck exam takers.
Hi everyone!
i passed the exam today. The questions that were on the test are 90% from 9tut, so make sure that you know every question. GOOD LUCK