Home > Share your CCNA Experience

Share your CCNA Experience

March 7th, 2020 Go to comments

The new CCNA 200-301 has come to replace the old CCNA 200-125 exam so we create the “Share your new CCNA Experience” for everyone to share their experience to prepare for this new exam.

We have a topic of Frequently Asked Questions & Tips for CCNA learners, surely you will find valuable information about the CCNA exam there.

+ The CCNA 200-301 exam include lab sims, multiple choice and Drag drop questions.
+ You can use shortcut command (like “int”, “no sh”, “conf t”…), “tab” and “?” in the simulations of the exam.

Please share with us your experience to prepare for the new CCNA 200-301 exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Your posts are warmly welcome! Hope you will find useful information from friends who have taken the new CCNA exam!

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  1. Paranoid123
    September 1st, 2020

    Hi, i read one of their policy regarding to unnecessary noises and that they might terminate the exam and you will get a score of zero. What if your dog barks or your neighbors’ dog? Does that count?

  2. Norb
    September 1st, 2020


    I attend JCNIA Junos online few weeks ago, meanwhile i was taking the exam my neighbour start knocking at my door and talking. I had to answer him that Im unavailable right now. My protector wrote on the chat that talking in time of exam is not allowed. Thats all. I passed JNCIA.

  3. AK
    September 2nd, 2020

    hey guys,

    please please please, could anybody send me the latest dumps they have?

    reach out to me here 25clak98 @ gmail . com

    i will send you the docs i have. thanks in advance.

  4. Anonymous
    September 2nd, 2020

    Just passed my CCNA with 900. A couple of new questions, but everything else I learned off of this site.

  5. dodo
    September 3rd, 2020

    which dumps did u use? where u on 9tut premium or?

  6. Help
    September 4th, 2020

    Hi ,I have an exam scheduled soon, but I am very anxious. Is there any Labs coming into the CCNA 200-301 exam?

  7. DiegoRL
    September 4th, 2020

    Hi ,I have an exam scheduled soon, but I am very anxious. Is there any Labs coming into the CCNA 200-301 exam?

  8. Fraz
    September 6th, 2020

    Can someone help me with CompTIA certification? any advise material and how to get videos? thanks

  9. Fraz
    September 6th, 2020

    Can someone help me with CompTIA certification? any advise material and how to get videos? thanks. i know its differen platform but any help welcome

  10. likeThundre
    September 10th, 2020

    Is there lab simulation exam in ccna 2020?

  11. VC
    September 10th, 2020

    Help , Likethundre
    Please note no any lab are coming in exam .

  12. Sam
    September 10th, 2020

    hi Guys ! anyone can share player opem file .ETE ou convert ETE for PDF ? ?

  13. Bigfoot
    September 11th, 2020

    Does anybody have JNCIA JN0-103 dumps vce file ? Thanks for your help.

  14. 91320
    September 13th, 2020

    I just want to share that I i passed the Exam today and I a score of 924. This site is really helpful and informative. More power to 9TUT. Staysafe everyone!

  15. Anonymous
    September 14th, 2020


    did all questions come from the big composite from 9tut or there where some new questions?

    guys what is the minimum pass score?

  16. Anonymous
    September 14th, 2020

    Q44. The Answer is IMHO C.
    1. No address space is given in the question!
    2. From CISCO
    ” Conclusion
    SVI on Cisco Integrated Services Routers is designed to provide basic Layer 3 functions for the Layer 2 switch ports that belong to a specific VLAN. The SVI does not provide the same feature set and functions as the integrated Layer 3 Ethernet ports of the integrated services routers and should not be used to entirely replace the Layer 3 Ethernet ports. Customer who need additional Layer 3 Ethernet ports for their Integrated Services Routers may consider the use of 1- and 2-Port Fast Ethernet High-Speed WIC for modular ISR platforms. The guidelines presented in this document summarize feature support considerations for an Integrated Services Router deployment that uses SVIs. ”
    We have also for example a CISCO ISR Router with a EHWIC-D-8ESG-P card. A physical interface = a SVI per floor.
    3. Each floor needs 40 IPs. The mask / 27 (224) would be too small, the mask / 23 (254.0) would not be efficient -> then /25 (.128)
    Example configuration:
    Floor 1: ip address
    Floor 2: ip address
    Floor 3: ip address
    Floor 4: ip address etc.
    Sorry for my bad english:))

  17. Anonymous
    September 14th, 2020

    Q44. The Answer is IMHO D
    ip address

  18. Nashid
    September 16th, 2020

    I am about to take my CCNA exam please share your IPV6 question

  19. Anonymous
    September 16th, 2020

    please can anybody give me the current dumps

  20. ali
    September 16th, 2020

    please can anybody give me the current dumps {email not allowed}

  21. Bob Ong
    September 17th, 2020

    Hi Everyone! Appreciate if you can send me the updated 200-301 dumps….

    appreciate sending it to my email b o b . o n g . s a @ g m a i l . c o m (remove space)

  22. Ali sami
    September 17th, 2020

    Please please anybody send me the updated 200-301 ccna my email: al is am ir efa a I @ gmail.com

  23. Rod
    September 17th, 2020


    Could someone kindly send the latest dumps to fizzlefazzleflip @ outlook.com

  24. Anonymous
    September 18th, 2020

    answered on 19/9/20 …cleared 9XX…Everyone whos asking…purchase the dumps ..its worth ,every single question came from 9tut…Much love 9tut.

  25. nikjaza
    September 19th, 2020

    How many question all ??? CCNA 200-301

  26. johnny
    September 20th, 2020

    Can someone share please i need to get ready for the test
    johnnypintom at hot mail dot com

  27. Jhonny
    September 21st, 2020

    Please anybody send me the updated 200-301 ccna my email: j h o n n y . p r a d o 2 9 @ gmail.com

  28. jiddy48
    September 21st, 2020

    Hi, i passed today with score of 9XX, all questions are in dumps, pay for premium and complete big quiz everyday 90%+ for a couple of weeks!

  29. dodo
    September 21st, 2020

    thanks to 9tut i passed my exam today with 9xxx

  30. EIGRP Bae
    September 21st, 2020

    please who can be a gentleman and send me the dump. email is gema. pinto @ yahoo.com (remove the .) ?

  31. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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