Config Lab Challenge 2 (VTP)
Your company decided to implement four new switches as shown in the topology. Your task is to configure VTP on these switches. Please follow the instructions below to complete this task. Suppose trunking has been configured correctly.
Please access this lab challenge via this link:
what is the ans for 7th statement
vtp domain 9tut
vtp version 2
vtp mode server
vtp mode client
vtp mode transparent
vtp password CCNA$way
vtp pruning
int vlan 1
ip address
Are these lab questions still part of the CCNA 200-301 ?
why is 9tut so inactive lately?
@Akshay: I am not sure and i have the same question are these labs still valid?
Link is not working.
@all: We have just updated this lab with HTML5 so now it works again!