Home > CDP & LLDP Questions

CDP & LLDP Questions

January 24th, 2021 Go to comments

CDP Quick Summary

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a Layer 2 protocol that runs on Cisco devices and enables networking applications to learn about directly connected devices nearby. The information contained in Cisco Discovery Protocol advertisements varies based on the type of device and the installed version of the operating system. Some of the information that Cisco Discovery Protocol can learn includes:
+ Cisco IOS version running on Cisco devices
+ Hardware platform of devices
+ IP addresses of interfaces on devices
+ Locally connected devices advertising Cisco Discovery Protocol
+ Interfaces active on Cisco devices, including encapsulation type
+ Hostname
+ Duplex setting
+ VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) domain
+ Native VLAN

Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/cdp/configuration/15-mt/cdp-15-mt-book/nm-cdp-discover.html

To enable the CDP, use the cdp run command in global configuration mode. To disable CDP, use the no form of this command.

CDP is enabled by default at the global level and on each supported interface to send or receive CDP information. To disable CDP only on one interface, use the “no cdp enable” command under that interface. For example:

Router(config)#interface e0/0
Router(config-if)#no cdp enable

LLDP Quick Summary

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a industry standard protocol that allows devices to advertise, and discover connected devices, and there capabilities (same as CDP of Cisco). To enable it on Cisco devices, we have to use this command under global configuration mode:

Sw(config)# lldp run

Note: LLDP is disabled by default.

Other LLDP commands:

+ lldp holdtime seconds: Specify the amount of time a receiving device should hold the information from your device before discarding it
+ lldp reinit delay: Specify the delay time in seconds for LLDP to initialize on an interface
+ lldp timer rate: Set the sending frequency of LLDP updates in seconds
+ lldp port-description: specify the port description time length value (TLV) messages.

To disable LLDP globally, use the command “no lldp run”.

To disable LLDP on an interface, use these two commands under interface mode:
+ no lldp transmit: disallows sending LLDP packets on the interface.
+ no lldp receive: disallows receiving LLDP packets on the interface.

To enable receiving and transmitting the LLDP packets on a specific interface, use “lldp transmit” and “lldp receive” commands under that interface.

Question 1

Question 2


If a neighbor has no IP address on an interface enabled with Cisco Discovery Protocol, the IP address of another interface will be updated as IP address for the non-IP address interface.

Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/cdp/configuration/15-mt/cdp-15-mt-book/nm-cdp-discover.html

Question 3


+ lldp holdtime seconds: Specify the amount of time a receiving device should hold the information from your device before discarding it
+ lldp reinit delay: Specify the delay time in seconds for LLDP to initialize on an interface
+ lldp timer rate: Set the sending frequency of LLDP updates in seconds

Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst3560/software/release/12-2_55_se/configuration/guide/3560_scg/swlldp.html

Question 4


Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a industry standard protocol that allows devices to advertise, and discover connected devices, and there capabilities (same as CDP of Cisco). To enable it on Cisco devices, we have to use this command under global configuration mode:

Sw(config)# lldp run

Question 5

Question 6


+ lldp holdtime seconds: Specify the amount of time a receiving device should hold the information from your device before discarding it
+ lldp reinit delay: Specify the delay time in seconds for LLDP to initialize on an interface
+ lldp timer rate: Set the sending frequency of LLDP updates in seconds

Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst3560/software/release/12-2_55_se/configuration/guide/3560_scg/swlldp.html

Question 7

Question 8


Use the switch(config)#lldp port-description option to specify the port description TLV messages.

Reference: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/datacenter/nexus6000/sw/layer2/7x/b_6k_Layer2_Config_7x/config_lldp.pdf

Comments (20) Comments
  1. Raja
    August 25th, 2020

    Questions are not showing…?

  2. Sumi
    August 27th, 2020

    @raja go for preminum account

  3. Anonymous
    January 4th, 2021

    9tut, I paid for premium for CCNA to study for exam, but only but I can only see the explanations and not the questions can you help me in this matter.

  4. Bgibby
    January 4th, 2021


    January 4th, 2021

    9tut, I paid for premium for CCNA to study for exam, but only but I can only see the explanations and not the questions can you help me in this matter.

  5. 9tut
    January 4th, 2021

    @Bgibby: If your problem still exists, please send an email to support@9tut.com with your username so that we can check for you.

  6. luna
    April 8th, 2021

    There is an error on Q2, the true answer is B

  7. Leo
    April 9th, 2021

    There is an error on Q2, the true answer is B – I just confirmed that with another links

  8. Ivan
    April 13th, 2021

    Q2, The answer is B

  9. luna
    April 17th, 2021

    Q2: I rectify myself, from cisco reference:
    “If a neighbor has no IP address on an interface enabled with Cisco Discovery Protocol, the IP address of another interface will be updated as IP address for the non-IP address interface.”

    So the correct answer is C.

    Packet Tracer not work well probably.

  10. hi
    June 8th, 2021

    Hey man, how are you? Is possible that yoou send the questions with the answer fot the next exam of cisco?

  11. Anonymous
    June 13th, 2021

    @9tut, Is Q2 correct?

  12. mynemesis2
    June 25th, 2021

    I would think its CDP operates normally, but it cannot provide IP address information for that neighbor

    CDP works on layer 2 that means it doesnt require an IP address of the neighbor device to collect its information

  13. Mo_Ali
    October 18th, 2021

    there is a mistake in question 2 , the answer should be B

  14. anishak
    February 3rd, 2022

    would there be new questions coming soon, seem it was updated a year ago

  15. darkblade
    February 11th, 2022

    Question 2 is C:

    switch A swicth B

    Truk: allowed vlan 1,10,20,30,40

    int SW A= fa0/1
    int SW B = fa0/20

    you will configure SWICTH B:

    vlan 10
    name test

    interface vlan 10
    no shut

    ip default-gateway

    cdp RUN



    cdp run

    please verify that you can see from SWICTH A a IP address of Interface vlan 10 and not for Interface fa0/20 (empty)

  16. CCNA cert
    May 30th, 2022

    This website is amzing!!
    pass the tests in the website and you will pass the CCNA exam 100%
    have a good learning day :D

  17. Anonym
    July 7th, 2022

    Question 2
    Question 2 correct answer is B. I check it with cisco packet tracer
    and referred and to this https://itexamanswers.net/question/in-a-cdp-environment-what-happens-when-the-cdp-interface-on-an-adjacent-device-is-configured-without-an-ip-address

  18. Anonym
    July 7th, 2022

    @9tut could you confirm it ?

  19. Anonym
    July 7th, 2022

    Wrong i test it on gns3 and cdp used IP from another interface so my correction is wrong
    @9tut ignore it

  20. Anonymous
    July 9th, 2024

    Question 1

    How can the Cisco Discovery Protocol be used?
    A. to allow a switch to discover the devices that are connected to its ports
    B. to determine the hardware platform of the device
    C. to determine the IP addresses of connected Cisco devices
    D. all of the above

    B. to determine the hardware platform of the device
    Strange wording to me here. It seems like you would only use CDP to determine the hardware platform of a “cisco connected” device and not “the” device.

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